Раскраски Балди

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  • The idea of characters appearing as 3D models, drawings, or photo-cropped may be based on the Cartoon Network animation series The Amazing World of Gumball where it also has a lack of stylistic unity on characters.
  • All 3D-model characters (Baldi, It’s a Bully, 1st Prize, Mrs. Pomp, The Test, , Cloudy Copter, and Johnny seen from the elevator) are made in a 1999 3D-modeling and animation program called Anim8or.
  • All 2D-drawn characters are made in GIMP (Chalkles and Johnny), Paint.NET (Beans), and Microsoft Paint (Playtime).
  • Animals are the only characters that are made in pixels.
  • Principal of the Thing and The Test are the only characters that are not really seen without the dithering effect.
  • There is a Doppler effect where the characters’ voice lines randomly change pitch and are distorted. For instance, it commonly happens with Gotta Sweep when sweeping characters. Currently in Baldi’s Basics Plus and Baldi’s Basics Classic Remastered, this effect only applies to Gotta Sweep and Arts and Crafters.
  • Almost all NPCs do not have eyesight through windows, so they cannot see the player through them. The player can see any NPC by them, however.
Baldi’s Basics Plus
  • Sometimes, NPCs can enter a room without opening a standard door or pass through the swinging door. This is especially common when they are faster than the player’s running speed.
  • Prior to V0.3, all characters are slower because this update patch increases the overall game speed.
Baldi’s Basics Classic Remastered

DSCI_0000, Me, and Crazy Baby are featured in the conspiracy board.



Main article: The player

The player is the only playable character and the main protagonist in the Baldi’s Basics series.

Schoolhouse/Super Schoolhouse characters


Name Image Official description
Baldi Great teacher due to his incredible hearing abilities! He can not only tell where any sound came from, but who made it too!
Playtime Despite her poor eyesight and short memory, she’s always looking for a playmate!»Let’s play!»
Arts and Crafters Shy, and tries to be avoided. Doesn’t like being looked at, and gets jealous at people with more notebooks than him.
It’s a Bully Here at here school, we believe every good school needs a good bully! That’s why we have this kid!
Principal of the Thing «If I see anyone breaking the school rules, I’ll make sure justice is served! It tastes good and fills my tummy!»
1st Prize Won 1st Prize at the Science Fair! Loves hugging people, rushing towards anyone it sees. Sadly, it turns super slowly.
Gotta Sweep What do you do when the school opens in 7 hours and you haven’t hired a janitor? Hire a broom! It sweeps everything!
Cloudy Copter A cloud who loves being a cloud doing cloudy things. Floats around and blows strong winds down halls.
Chalkles Some kid drew this face and next thing you know it’s floating around, laughing and making mischief.
Beans Tries to impress others by blowing bubble gum bubbles, but usually just ends up spitting them out.
Mrs. Pomp Hops around in her high-heeled shoe inviting students to her class. Make sure you’re not late! Or else!
The Test If you want to keep an eye on anyone, look no further than this fella! Don’t forget where you last spotted him!


Name Image
Dr. Reflex TBA

Corrupted/Glitched characters

Null is a mysterious character who appears completely different out of all characters in the game. Being one of the corrupted files hidden in the game, he is typically aware of the game, breaking the fourth wall by telling the player to destroy the game before it is too late. In Baldi’s Basics Birthday Bash, there are other glitched entities called s. In the glitched school, Purple, blue, green, and orange s appear floating aimlessly while a swarm of buzzing red ones will constantly follow the player but do no harm. Plus, when entering the hidden room after puzzle is solved, a corrupted texture of a Baldi-like character called will appear randomly on the walls. There is also another Baldi look-alike known as who appears in the anti-piracy feature for Baldi’s Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo, and in Baldi’s Basics Plus.

In Baldi’s Basics Classic Remastered, Null in NULL Style, and a lone red in Glitch Style (an alternative version of NULL Style after beating the former) can cause a game over after coming contact with them, and they will glitch the school increasingly before crashing the game. Red s in the glitched school will remove chunks of the building.



Easter egg characters

Minor characters that appear hidden in secret locations as Easter eggs. They lack their overall personal behavior functions as they take a very small role in the game. These include , , , and Bladder.



Main article: Johnny

Johnny is the shopkeeper of the store. He will greet the player upon entering the store in between floors. He will offer filled maps, items, and characters to expel. The player has to earn You Thought Points to purchase things in the store.


Main article: Animal





Animals are characters exclusively featured in the farm field trip since V0.3.2.

Когда контур оживает

Кисть или карандаш способны превратить обычный разлинованный кусок бумаги в потрясающую картинку. Нужно только хорошо постараться и внимательно выполнить условия той или иной раскраски. А в многочисленных играх различных условностей предостаточно. Это позволяет не только проявить смекалку и сообразительность во время игры в раскраски, но и делает их особо интересными.

Нюансов в раскрасках для девочек масса. Начиная от классических циферок, обозначающих пятна определенного цвета и оканчивая раскрашиванием и созданием всевозможных конфигураций, состоящих из геометрических фигур. Есть здесь и такие картинки, которые оживают после раскраски, при том, не в переносном, а в прямом смысле слова. Только представьте, что нарисованные феи взмахнули крылышками, листочки на деревьях зашевелились от дуновения легкого, еле уловимого ветерка, а птички запели веселые песенки. Можете не верить, но все это результат раскраски.

Некоторые игры раскраски для мальчиков и девочек устроены таким образом, что нужно не заштриховывать что-либо готовое, а еще и создать контуры и узоры самостоятельно. Здесь в ход могут пойти даже волшебные ножницы. В этом случае раскраски как бы превращаются в виртуальную аппликацию, но интересными они при этом быть не перестают.

В процессе игры, девочки могут создавать потрясающей красоты открытки. Одни из них составлены из четких геометрических фигур, расположенных в определенной последовательности, другие, напротив, представляют собой сочетание мягких плавных переходов. Каждая из них прекрасна по своему, при этом все они – раскраски.

Baldis Basics Endings

This revision contains the largest number of final sequences by far.

They depend on the mode as well as on the player’s choices throughout the journey:

  • Normally, escaping after having collected the notebooks results in a congratulatory message
  • The alternate option requires answering every single quiz question incorrectly. Doing so leads to a meeting with Null in a secret chamber
  • In Birthday Bash, the entire cast throws a surprise party in the canteen. Optionally, use the Teleporter after everything goes dark or type in the 53045009 code. This results in another chat with Null
  • Demo-style finales are a little less satisfying, but still worth it for completionists
  • Trigger special Null/Glitch variations by throwing 10 objects at Null or at Badllon

It’s worth noting that fan-made spinoffs and mods have their own storylines. Baldis Basic Roblox interpretations are particularly impressive in terms of content. FNF and Minecraft reimaginings are also brilliant in their own right. Although they cannot be considered cannon, beating them is rewarding nonetheless.

Рисование – одно из любимых занятий детворы

Тяга к творчеству проявляется у малышей с пеленок. Свидетельством тому разукрашенные обои и живописные картины, старательно нарисованные на зеркале губной помадой. Вот уж где юные художники ничего не жалеют для создания своих шедевров. Альтернативой такой «наскальной живописи» как раз и могут послужить игры раскраски. Здесь и талант свой проявить можно и за приобщение к прекрасному никто ругать не станет.

Данный жанр аркад популярен и среди самых юных дарований и среди любителей рисования постарше. Особо полюбились такие игры девочкам. Ведь играя в раскраски и макияж можно научиться делать и одежду подбирать, а это точно уж пригодится юным модницам. Тяга к прекрасному заставляет девочек экспериментировать с цветом, создавать различные образы и тут же их переделывать, подбирая самые выгодные сочетания цветов.

How to Download or Play the Remaster Online Free of Charge

  • itch.io
  • Game Jolt
  • Steam
  • Unofficial archive for older versions (Windows)
  • Unofficial archive for older versions (Non-Windows)

Choosing one of the many implementations for various platforms can be confusing. Newbies have even mistaken the user-made Roblox Baldi for the actual one. Not to mention the possibility of installing malicious software by accident.

The safest approach is visiting the basicallygames.com website. It links to the official Apple and Android store pages for smartphone owners. PC users can get a simple executable from itch.io or GameJolt. Steam offers the additional convenience of automatic updates and cloud storage.

On public computers, running a web-friendly alternative directly in the browser is more sensible. Search for them on popular content aggregation sites. They often carry other recent entertainment apps and retro remastered classics as well.

In conclusion, every Baldi’s Basics game is enjoyable and worth checking out. But baving them all at once in the same launcher is super beneficial. Enthusiasts and critics were almost unanimous in their reception and verdicts. The changes are minimal, and the signature charm remains intact.

Given the fact that the fully functional installer costs absolutely nothing, it’s a no-brainer. This is a perfect opportunity for the uninitiated to jump on the bandwagon. Step into the otherworldly academic establishment, embrace the insanity, and walk away unscathed. Come back for a quick Baldi game regularly and discover something new every time.

Meet the Staff

The school’s personnel consists of the same old members:


Baldi, the head professor and the main villain. He follows the protagonist around, gives them assignments, and gets angry at unwilling learners. His image is so iconic that even a knockoff robloxbaldi model is easily recognizable

Principal of the Thing

Principal of the Thing, the relatively harmless, but quite annoying headmaster. He can send disobedient students to detention, stealing precious minutes of their lives

Gotta Sweep

Gotta Sweep, an automated broom that cares about nothing, but cleaning. In its never-ending pursuit of keeping the floor dust-free, it’s a constant nuisance for passers-by

It’s a Bully

It’s a Bully, the archetypal meanie with a terrible attitude. He intentionally blocks passages, steals pocket money, and is generally unpleasant to deal with

1st prize

1st prize is an experimental robot designed for a science fair. It’s programmed to seek affection and rushes to hug anyone it sees.


Playtime, Baldi Basics’ happy-go-lucky carefree kid, loves skipping rope. This little girl doesn’t seem to be concerned with studying at all. Instead, she roams the corridors, looking for someone to challenge

Arts and Crafters

Arts and Crafters, a weird sock-puppet who initially prefers to stay out of sight. Once the challenger collects more notebooks, it gets jealous and becomes insufferable

Take some time getting to know these quirky individuals. Find out their roles in the story, master the interactions and avoiding strategies.

What is Classic Remastered, and Who is It For?

To avoid any further confusion, Micah James McGonigal decided to make a convenient, all-encompassing package. It incorporates the traditional adventure, the enhanced plus variation, and the party mode.

The latter is a festive twist on the campaign in celebration of its 1-year anniversary. It’s primarily intended for experienced players who are well-familiar with the saga. By contrast, the centerpiece of the anthology, may be the definitive experience for everyone. It’s a recreation of the core game with all sorts of minor tweaks and improvements.

Here are a few reasons to check it out:

  • 3-in-1 collection for long-time fans and newcomers alike
  • Authentic Baldi’s Basics Classic reworked on the superior Plus engine
  • Several quality-of-life improvements, including carrying more objects at once and a more elegant Staminometer
  • More consistent art style across the board
  • Countless minor bug fixes

Overall, this is probably the most accessible and user-friendly option for anyone interested. It set a new standard for a Baldi Basics game and for the entire industry.

Expanding Horizons

Those unfamiliar with the series would benefit from a brief retrospect. On YouTube, Baldis Basics looks pretty much the same, regardless of the edition. However, despite the visual likeness, there are major differences between them. To keep things simple, beginners are better off ignoring the Kickstarter demos altogether. The original version was published on March 31, 2018. It satirized common survival horror tropes and terrible 90s era edutainment products.

Audiences grew to appreciate it for the following qualities:

  • Unusual gameplay that combined puzzle-solving, stealth, exploration, and action
  • Surreal world with its own laws that make little sense to outsiders
  • Sizable roster of NPCs, each characterized by their own quirks and distinctive temperaments
  • Numerous memorable locations with plenty of mysteries, secrets, and Easter eggs to discover
  • Intentionally outdated presentation with poorly designed 3D models, 2D sprites, and low-res textures
  • Absurd humor, juxtaposing the overwhelming sense of dread and student anxiety
  • Unmistakable Baldis Basics music that contributes to the unnerving atmosphere

It’s hard to understand the appeal without personally playing this extravaganza of madness and chaos. But for all the advantages, it didn’t fully realize the premise’s true potential. Soon after delivering what was promised, Basically, Games! started implementing various improvements.

Eventually, they snowballed into a larger extension, appropriately called Baldi’s Basics Plus. It introduces numerous adjustments to both the interface and the mechanics. The list includes extra inventory slots and unprecedented replayability achieved through randomized level generation.

Чем полезны раскраски

В играх масса положительного. Не считая того, что такие игры могут поднять настроение юным художницам, они учат распознавать прекрасное. Создавая свои рисунки, девочки как-бы оживляют контуры, вдыхая в них жизнь.

Кроме всего прочего умение пользоваться цветовым кругом, который присутствует в некоторых играх очень востребовано. Всем известно, что гармония, выразительность и пятна приблизительно одинаковой величины в сочетании с правильно подобранными цветами способны творить чудеса

Приобретая подобные навыки в процессе игры в раскраски, девочки смогут потом интуитивно подобрать себе одежду и аксессуары, сделать безупречный макияж, и будут не только выглядеть модно и стильно, но, что немаловажно, будут чувствовать себя уверенно в обществе

Прелесть виртуальных раскрасок заключается еще и в том, что используя электронную палитру, шедевры создаются лишь на экране. Расхода красок никакого, затраты минимальны, а масса положительных эмоций и приобщение к прекрасному налицо. К тому же многие из данных проектов устроены таким образом, что получившийся в результате рисунок, можно распечатать.

Кстати, в раскраски, с удовольствием играют не только девчонки, но и мальчишки. Если девочкам больше нравится раскрашивать принцесс и фей, балы и карнавалы, то мальчиков прельщают рыцарские турниры, регаты и состязания, всевозможная техника.

Найти интересные картинки, которые можно оживить сможет каждый. Ведь игр подобного плана очень много на любой вкус. И если кто-то не успел выбрать себе достойную игру, то следует поторопиться. Волшебные кисти и карандаши ждут своих героев. Девочкам при этом будут ласково улыбаться феи и принцессы, выказывая благодарность за созданные юными художницами безумные наряды.

Мальчиков порадуют морские дали, фрегаты и бригантины, затонувшие корабли, или внедорожники, несущиеся по пересеченной местности, участвуя в гонках. Хороших раскрасок много, стоит только присмотреться получше и выбрать для игры ту, которая понравилась больше всех, а за остальным дело не станет.

Remastered Locations

The Shoolhouse is the same as it always was, down to the legendary Baldi music. Navigating it is a skill that requires some effort to hone. Nevertheless, the layout is fairly straightforward.

It consists of 3 types of interior and exterior areas:

  • Common rooms that are essential and exist in every playthrough (classrooms, faculty room, principle’s office)
  • Special ones that appear occasionally (janitor’s closet, cafeteria, outdoors)
  • Hidden zones that are hard to access without a walkthrough, for example, Baldi’s Office

Achieving the objectives involves a lot of moving around and backtracking. Those who enter the accursed place have to be able to orient themselves. Otherwise, their chances of escaping are close to zero.

FAQ about the Baldi’s Basics Classic Remastered

Is Baldis Basics Classic Remastered out yet?

Yes, the official anthology is now available on multiple platforms, including Steam and Itch.io. It includes demos, Birthday Bash, the Plus edition, and a reworked version of the original. Released on October 21, 2022, this is the ultimate Baldies Basics experience.

What is the oldest version of Baldi’s Basics?

The 2018 release, subtitled Education and Learning, is the earliest official version. Recently, it has been reintroduced as the Classic edition, alongside other remastered games. This 2022 collection is the complete anthology, featuring multiple improvements and several fun modes.

When was Baldi Basics made?

The first official entry dates back to March 31, 2018. It was later re-released as the Classic edition as part of the recent remaster. The Plus project is already available, but still in early access. According to mystman12, the development should take at least another year or two.

Will Baldi’s Basics be on console?

In a Twitter thread, the creator stated that porting every Baldi Basic game isn’t viable. However, mystman12 did confirm the plans to release the Plus edition on popular consoles. They still haven’t shared any information as to when it’s supposed to be out.

What grade is Baldi’s Basics?

It’s difficult to pinpoint which grade the mad educator is supposed to be teaching. The narrative is meant to represent the absurdity of school life in general. However, the math assignments seemingly come from entry level elementary programs.

What is the last question to Baldi’s Basics?

At the start of the playthrough, the head teacher gives the player math assignments. The first two are super simple. Typing in the correct answers should keep Baldi plush and happy. The third task, on the other hand, appears to be unsolvable. It’s designed to make the antagonist reveal his true wrathful demeanor.

Key Items

Every professional knows that having the right tools for the job is crucial. Even in a madhouse such as this, the principle still applies. Facing formidable adversaries and overcoming challenging obstacles is pointless without proper equipment.

Strive to assemble a reasonable selection in order to be prepared for any scenario:

Alarm Clock

Alarm Clock attracts the antagonist’s attention when it goes off

Baldis Least Favorite Tape

Baldis Least Favorite Tape is a great deterrent for the tyrannical teacher


BSODA pushes enemies away with a pressurized stream of carbonated liquid

Energy Flavored Zesty Bar

Energy Flavored Zesty Bar supercharges the stamina bar

Principal Whistle

Principal Whistle is every tattletale’s best bet against bullies

Principal’s Keys

Principal’s Keys open any door


Quarters are a common currency for purchasing goodies from vending machines

Safety Scissors

Safety Scissors can cut ropes, wires, and gum wads to get out of useless activities

Having a specific gadget or instrument handy makes a huge difference. Be sure to put them all to good use as much as possible.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: